SeaBreeze Farms RNG Plant Capacity Study
A large dairy farm located in the lower mainland of British Columbia has been producing renewable natural gas (RNG) well below the 150 Nm3/hr rated capacity of its plant. The plant takes cow manure into a digester along with food waste and cooking oils to maintain an optimum composition for biogas production. Out of the digester, biogas is delivered at just above atmospheric pressure to a Green Lane 150 Nm3/hr gas clean-up system based on water wash technology. After the gas clean-up stage, the RNG is delivered to a gas boost compressor to overcome the pressure required for introduction to an intermediate pressure (IP) natural gas pipeline. Jenmar conducted a field inspection of the total RNG production facility with the purpose of identifying the root cause of the capacity issues. A root cause analysis was developed out of which Jenmar was able to make various recommendations toward solving the issue.
Fortis BC
Location: Delta, BC
Status: Completed 2017