Risk Assessments
Risk Assessments
Jenmar has facilitated more than 40 project Risk Assessments and Process Hazard Analyses using the HAZID, HAZOP, LOPA, and What-if techniques. A few examples include:
Green Matters Refrigerant Recovery System, Langley, BC
Hydraulic Hydrogen Compressor, Chilliwack, BC
FortisBC Patullo Gas Line Replacement, New Westminster, BC
Cryopeak LNG Liquefaction Plant, Fort Nelson, BC
FortisBC Canfor Pulp Regulating Station, Prince George, BC
LNG Storage and Regasification Plant for NTPC Electrical Generation Plant in Inuvik, NT
IMW Clean CNG Compressor, Chilliwack, BC
Emera CNG Marine Transport Virtual Pipeline, Florida to the Bahamas
HAZID / Site Risk Assessments
NTPC LNG Electrical Generation Plant, Fort Simpson, NT
Project Risk Assessments
Various FortisBC Capital Upgrade Projects